Jules Shuzen Harris Guides

Jules Shuzen Harris

Jules Shuzen Harris

Remembering Jules Shuzen Harris We are sad to share the news that Jules Shuzen Harris passed away on May 8th, 2023 at the age of 83. He was a psychotherapist and Zen teacher, founder, and abbot of Soji Zen Center in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. Based on his decades of experience working with Zen students and psychotherapy [...]
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My Path | Jules Shuzen Harris’ Journey to Zen Buddhism

My Path | Jules Shuzen Harris’ Journey to Zen Buddhism

My Story of Becoming the First African-American Man to Receive Soto Zen Transmission An Excerpt from Zen beyond Mindfulness My Beginnings I was born in 1939 in Chester, Pennsylvania, an industrial town just outside of Philadelphia that was working class and extremely diverse. Based on this background, the path I ended up taking was exceedingly [...]
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