1. The Samurai and Zen

    The Samurai and Zen
    The Samurai and Zen     This is part of a series of articles on the arc of Zen thought, practice, and history, as presented in The Circle of the Way: A Concise History of Zen from the Buddha to the Modern World.  You can start at the beginning of this series or simply explore [...]
  2. The Way of the Warrior

    The Way of the Warrior
    Essential Teachings An Excerpt from Budōshoshinshu Budōshoshinshu and Hagakure are the most influential treatises on samurai philosophy from the Edo period. The two books were written at about the same time and both address the warrior’s role in times of peace. While Hagakure was mostly a secret book of the Nabeshima clan until the twentieth [...]
  3. Tao Te Ching: A Reader’s Guide to the Great Taoist Classic

    Tao Te Ching: A Reader’s Guide to the Great Taoist Classic
  4. Readers’ Picks

    Readers’ Picks
  5. My Journey on Japan’s Kiso Road

    My Journey on Japan’s Kiso Road
  6. Samurai and Japanese Culture Reader’s Guide: The Works of Master Translator and Author William Scott Wilson

    Samurai and Japanese Culture Reader’s Guide: The Works of Master Translator and Author William Scott Wilson

6 Item(s)

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