Japanese Street Slang

Completely Revised and Updated

By Peter Constantine

- Paperback
OUT OF STOCK: Available for back-order.
Pages: 224
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN: 9781590308486
From ai (“love”) to zukkyu! (“heart attack!”) Japanese Street Slang details the roughest and rawest street language as it’s used in Japan today. Here’s how the Japanese really speak: the hustlers and high-rollers, the anime otaku teens and Tokyo yuppies, the gangsters and their ladies of the night. This is the guide to the kinkiest sex talk, drug slang, criminal lingo, popular text-messaging abbreviations, and more. More than just a guide to gritty and gross-out gab, this book includes witty mini-essays that trace the fascinating origins of many expressions and rollicking example sentences that reveal just how and where they may be heard.