Close to Birds

An Intimate Look at Our Feathered Friends

By Roine Magnusson
By Mats Ottosson
By Asa Ottosson

- Hardcover
Pages: 272
Size: 8.661402 x 9.252
ISBN: 9781611807103
Our lives intertwine with birds like no other wild creature. Every day birds warm our hearts, inspire our curiosity, and appeal to our sense of wonder. Close to Birds brings us even nearer to our feathered friends. The gorgeous photographs capture the intimate beauty and detail of each bird’s form, as well as their unique character and personality. The accompanying short essays share charming and often-hidden details from birds’ lives. Discover why robins sing so early in the morning and learn the science behind the almost magical iridescence of mallard feathers. Close to Birds shares the irresistible joy and marvel of birds.