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Guides by Tradition
A Guide to the Pali Tradition
Over the past few years we at Shambhala Publications have been focused on bringing the depth and richness of the traditions of Theravada Buddhism more into the light. Modernist and secularizing processes have been the lens through which many see "Theravada". A consequence of this is that some people's understanding of the traditions it encompasses are often either oversimplified ("it's Insight Meditation with a lot of the cultural paraphernalia"), incomplete ("Its vipassana as taught in Thai temples"), or incorrect ("it's for one's own liberation only"). These biases mean many miss out on the full story which is that the highly varied practices and teachings form a vast, creative, and immensely powerful tradition for transforming the mind and gaining liberation. Here are some of our books, recent as well as classics, that explore some of these topics. Read More.
A Series on the Great Works of Chan and Zen
Explore the great works of Chan and Zen. You will find translations of original works, their commentaries, and presentations of practices and ideas from all the eras and regions from the arrival of Buddhism in China to the present day around the world.Discover an amazing array of books written and translated by some of the most knowledgeable people about Chan and Zen Buddhism on the planet. Prolific writers and translators that appear repeatedly in the pages that follow include Kaz Tanahashi, Master Sheng Yen, William Scott Wilson, Katagiri Roshi, Norman Waddell, John Stevens, and J.C. Cleary.
Featured Excerpt
The Five Remembrances
From Susan Moon's Alive Until You're Dead: Notes on the Home Stretch
Buddha urged his disciples to meditate upon the five remembrances. When I first heard them, I thought, Wow! This is harsh! But I shouldn’t have been surprised; they are straightforward reminders of the teaching of impermanence. Here is Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh’s translation.....
Featured Excerpt
From the audiobook of Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo's The Heroic Heart: Awakening Unbound Compassion
Author Videos
Rebirth in Buddhism
Buddhist scholar Roger R. Jackson in conversation with the team at Shambhala Publications about his book Rebirth: A Guide to Mind, Karma, and Cosmos in the Buddhist World
Buddhist Reader's Guides
Buddhist Poetry
Navigating the vast world of spiritual verse can be disorienting. With so many anthologies and translations to choose from, finding what speaks to you can be a real challenge. Shambhala Publications publishes numerous books of Buddhist poetry, and we’ve gathered some of our favorites in this Reader's Guide. Ranging from classical Tibetan songs of devotion to contemporary American reflections on navigating the path, our collection of Buddhist poetry offers a little something for everyone, Buddhist or otherwise.
Gendun Chopel: A Guide for Readers
Gendun Chopel, was a 20th century Tibetan philosopher, scholar, translator, traveler, historian, artist, and visionary. More so, he was a cultural hero who sought to advance his vision of a modern Tibet within a rapidly shifting and globalizing world.
Author Event in Buddhism

February 11 - May 20, 2025 | Online

Saraha | Roger R. Jackson with Ben Connelly | Magers and Quinn
Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 7:00 PM Central | Magers and Quinn (Minneapolis, MN)

Saturday, February 22nd from 10am - 4pm Pacific Time | Petaluma, California

The Zen Way of Recovery | Laura Burges | Green Gulch Farm
February 22, 2025 | 10:00 AM Pacific Time | Green Gulch Farm, Wheelwright Center, HWY 1, Marin, CA

The Wakeful Body (Online Course) | Lama Willa Blythe Baker | Six-week course: Mondays and Wednesdays
February 26 - April 7, 2025 | Natural Dharma Fellowship | Online
Free Lecture Series
The Way of the Bodhisattva
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Online Courses in Buddhism

Buddhist History after the Buddha: An Excerpt from Guru Rinpoché
An Excerpt from Guru Rinpoché His Life and Times By Ngawang Zangpo...

10 Books on the Life and Teachings of Renowned Tibetan Buddhist Teachers
10 Books on the Life and Teachings of Renowned Tibetan Buddhist Teachers #1 Enlightened Vagabond by Matthieu Ricard #2. Milarepa by Chogyam Trungpa, edited by Judith L. Lief #3. The Life...

Saraha’s Images and Symbols: An Excerpt from Saraha
An Excerpt from Saraha Poet of Blissful Awareness By Roger R. Jackson...

A Selection from Khangsar Tenpa’i Wangchuk’s Light of Wisdom
Light of Wisdom: A Selection from Khangsar Tenpa'i Wangchuk's commentary on Deshek Lingpa's root text An Excerpt from The Natural Openness and Freedom of the Mind A Treasure Tantra of the Great P...