Natural Brilliance

A Buddhist System for Uncovering Your Strengths and Letting Them Shine

By Irini Rockwell

Shambhala Publications
ISBN: 9780834827776

This book presents an ancient system for understanding human dynamics that can help us navigate our complex, twenty-first-century lives. Traditionally called the five wisdoms, this system describes five forms of intelligence that are inherent in all of us and that we can draw upon at any time. These are: presence, clarity, richness, passion, and action. Author Irini Rockwell explains these fundamental forms of intelligence and how we can put them to use to enhance our relationships, our work, and our creativity.

Each of us has a primary form of intelligence, which we must identify and understand, but we can also learn to cultivate the other wisdoms and use them to suit our changing circumstances. Rockwell integrates useful stories and case studies to illustrate how to put the five wisdoms teachings to use in personal and professional life. Building on her first book, The Five Wisdom Energies, Rockwell offers further guidance on using the five wisdoms teachings to gain insight and boost effectiveness, with specific chapters dedicated to those working in the fields of counseling, education, and the arts.