Cynthia Bourgeault Guides

Christianity’s Best-Kept Secret: On Cynthia Bourgeault and The Cloud of Unknowing

Christianity’s Best-Kept Secret: On Cynthia Bourgeault and The Cloud of Unknowing

“God can be held fast by love, but by thought never.” The questions that arise upon encounter with this and other such confounding lines from the Christian mystical classic The Cloud of Unknowing (What is meant by “God,” anyway? What is love? What can be “known” beyond thought?) are what keep many potential readers from [...]
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The Unitive Way and the Future of Christianity: A Discussion with Cynthia Bourgeault

The Unitive Way and the Future of Christianity: A Discussion with Cynthia Bourgeault

Last time Cynthia was in our office, she and her editor, Dave O'Neal, had an interesting conversation about centering prayer, the future of Christianity, her book The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, and much more. Please enjoy these videos from her visit. [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube]
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