Four Noble Truths Guides

Free Downloads from The Core Teachings of the Dalai Lama Series

Free Downloads from The Core Teachings of the Dalai Lama Series

Sign up for a week of essential teachings from His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ENTER YOUR EMAIL TO RECEIVE A WEEK OF DAILY READINGS FROM THE CORE TEACHINGS OF THE DALAI LAMA SERIES. From proper posture in sitting meditation to discussion of past lives to the importance of the Three Jewels, these readings cover [...]
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The Practice of Loving-Kindness | An Excerpt from Comfortable with Uncertainty

The Practice of Loving-Kindness | An Excerpt from Comfortable with Uncertainty

The following excerpt is from Comfortable with Uncertainty By Pema Chodron Paperback | eBook Seven-Step Practice To move from aggression to unconditional loving-kindness can seem like a daunting task. But we start with what’s familiar. The instruction for cultivating limitless maitri is to first find the tenderness that we already have. We touch in with our [...]
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