Gaylon Ferguson Guides

“Radical Compassion” Free eBook

“Radical Compassion” Free eBook

This free eBook is available from the following vendors: Amazon Apple Kobo Nook What is compassion? Much more than just being nice, compassion is about looking deeply at ourselves and others and recognizing the fundamental goodness we all share. It’s about opening up to the vulnerable space inside every one of us and letting our [...]
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Relating to Fear, Anger, and Conflict: A Reader’s Guide

Relating to Fear, Anger, and Conflict: A Reader’s Guide

2016 was certainly a year of high emotions and global challenges-a confusing and contentious U.S. election, civil wars in Syria and Iraq, Olympic scandals, Brexit, the spread of the Zika virus, continuing international acts of terrorism, and so much more. But as we open the New Year, we also have the opportunity to reflect on [...]
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