Gurdjieff - Fourth Way Guides

Freedom & Self-Knowledge

Freedom & Self-Knowledge

Our picture of ourselves is formed by what we experience. Each of us comes into the world unsoiled, like a clean sheet of paper. Then people and circumstances around us begin vying with each other to sully this sheet, to cover it with writing. Education, the formation of morals, information called “knowledge”—all feelings of duty, honor, conscience and so on—enter here. And all these people claim that the methods adopted for grafting these shoots known as man’s “personality” to the trunk are immutable and infallible.

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The Unitive Way and the Future of Christianity: A Discussion with Cynthia Bourgeault

The Unitive Way and the Future of Christianity: A Discussion with Cynthia Bourgeault

Last time Cynthia was in our office, she and her editor, Dave O'Neal, had an interesting conversation about centering prayer, the future of Christianity, her book The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, and much more. Please enjoy these videos from her visit. [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube]
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