Shozan Jack Haubner Guides

Book Club Discussion | Single White Monk

Book Club Discussion | Single White Monk

Single White Monk by Shozan Jack Haubner is a prescient book—not only for its teachings, which are deeply rooted in real-life stories and the humble wisdom that comes from making mistakes and learning to face them, but for its lack of pretension around issues involving sexual abuse and all the opinions, hurt, and life-changing consequences that [...]
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Judging Books by Their Covers: A Defense

Judging Books by Their Covers: A Defense

by Kate, Production Coordinator/Designer I have a confession to make: I judge books by their covers. And I’m not even sorry about it. I’m baffled by how many amazing books there are in the world that I’ll never have time to read. And there are more being released all the time! It can be so overwhelming [...]
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Mad Monk: An Excerpt from Zen Confidential

Mad Monk: An Excerpt from Zen Confidential

A lot of pissed-off people wind up at our monastery. This place has a tractor beam like the Death Star's in Star Wars that pulls in anyone within a thousand-mile radius with a four-letter word on the tip of his or her tongue. Her marriage tanked; he's got an itch in his brain he just [...]
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