Tsering Wangmo Dhompa Guides

Judging Books by Their Covers: A Defense

Judging Books by Their Covers: A Defense

by Kate, Production Coordinator/Designer I have a confession to make: I judge books by their covers. And I’m not even sorry about it. I’m baffled by how many amazing books there are in the world that I’ll never have time to read. And there are more being released all the time! It can be so overwhelming [...]
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An Excerpt from Coming Home from Tibet

An Excerpt from Coming Home from Tibet

On 14 April 2010, my aunt was wrapping up her prayers and enjoying her morning tea when she felt the windows in her room rattle and the bed beneath her shift. She ran out of her room to join the rest of the family in the yard. “Tsering Wangmo, Kyegu is gone. Everything is gone [...]
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