1. The Works of the Chan & Zen Patriarchs

    The Works of the Chan & Zen Patriarchs
    The Works of the Chan & Zen Patriarchs     This is part of a series of articles on the arc of Zen thought, practice, and history, as presented in The Circle of the Way: A Concise History of Zen from the Buddha to the Modern World.  You can start at the beginning of this [...]
  2. Zen Buddhism: A Reader's Guide to the Great Works

    Zen Buddhism: A Reader's Guide to the Great Works
    Zen Buddhism: A Reader's Guide to the Great Works There have been surprisingly few clear introductions to the full range of the East Asian tradition of what is popularly commonly referred to, in its Japanese variant, as Zen Buddhism but also known as Chan, Soen, and Tien in original Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.  All these [...]

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