The following article is from the Autumn, 1987 issue of the Snow Lion Newsletter and is for historical reference only. You can see this in context of the original newsletter here.

Tibetan nuns, though fewer than monks, have always been significant in the religious fabric of Tibetan society. Their serene monastic residences situated throughout Tibet, were the centers of spiritual advancement for Buddhist women for many centuries. These were almost all destroyed during the Chinese invasion. Recently, courageous women have set up new religious communities to maintain and continue their contemplative way of life. Their centers in India and Nepal grow stronger and applicants await the opportunity to join.

The Tibetan Nuns Project was started and is being coordinated by Ani Karma Lekshe Tsomo who is an American-born Buddhist nun who presently studies at the Buddhist School of Dialectics in Dharamsala, India. She created the first International Conference on Buddhist Nuns, held in February 1987 at Bodhgaya, India which was attended by hundreds of nuns.

Participation in the project will provide basic subsistence, education, and the necessary health and housing conditions for the spiritual practice of dedi-cated Tibetan women. Your support will permit aspirants to join the spiritual community. You may make a general donation to the Tibetan Nuns Project or you may choose a specific nunnery (locations available upon en-quiry).

There are two ways to con-tribute: (1) Send a check to The Tibet Fund, 107 East 31st. St., New York, NY 10016. SPECIFY Tibetan Nuns Project. This is tax-deductible. (2) Send an International Money Order or personal check by registered mail to: Ani Karma Lekshe Tsomo, c/o Buddhist School of Dia-lectics, Dist. Kangra, H.P. 176 219 INDIA.