1. Finding Rest Through the Open-Focus Method

    Finding Rest Through the Open-Focus Method
    Releasing Stress Before Sleep An excerpt from The Open-Focus Life The clock shows three o’clock in the morning. It’s a night like many others, when you can’t fall asleep, or you drift off for an hour and then wake up in a panic about something you can’t remember, chasing endless worries. Now you’re thinking about [...]
  2. Online Meetings Stressing You Out? Try Opening Your Focus

    Online Meetings Stressing You Out? Try Opening Your Focus
    By Mark Beauregard Co-author of The Open-Focus Life Do you feel mentally or emotionally exhausted after Zoom meetings? Is it difficult to concentrate? Do you have physical symptoms that seem to have nothing to do with sitting and looking at a computer screen, like muscle pain, backaches, or shortness of breath? The emotional, psychological, and [...]

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