Still Running

The Art of Meditation in Motion

By Vanessa Zuisei Goddard

- Paperback
Shambhala Publications
Pages: 192
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN: 9781611808193

Running is more than just exercise. Running is a practice, a moving meditation, that brings the power of stillness to all the activities in our lives. Vanessa Zuisei Goddard combines her experience leading running retreats with her two-decade practice of Zen to offer insight, humor, and practical mantras and visualizations for grounding our running, or any physical practice, in meditation.

When we see running solely as exercise and focus on improving our times, covering a certain number of miles, or losing weight, we miss the deeper implications of this art. We miss the opportunity to take up running as a practice that bridges the apparent gap between stillness and movement, meditation and activity. Ultimately, Still Running is about freedom, ease, and the joy of movement; it’s about the power of stillness and learning how to use that power to live wholeheartedly.