1. Personal Development Books in 2022

    Personal Development Books in 2022
    Personal Development in 2022 Read More Discover our books and audiobooks on personal development from 2022. See our other Year in Review Guides: Theravada/Pali/Insight | Zen and Chan | Tibetan Buddhism Yoga | Personal Development | Kids Books Receive a 30% discount on these 2022 titles through January 2nd using code 2022YE at checkout We [...]
  2. Stepping into the Unknown | An Excerpt from Trust the Process

    Stepping into the Unknown | An Excerpt from Trust the Process
    Stepping into the Unknown  An Excerpt from Trust the Process By Shaun McNiff Paperback | eBook My belief in the intelligence of the creative process has been affirmed by people who struggle in workshop groups where they are given opportunities to express themselves in the arts. Sometimes, people who are invited to express themselves freely will [...]
  3. Exercises to Spark Your Creative Spirit

    Exercises to Spark Your Creative Spirit
    Inspirations and Invitations for Writers, Artists, and Other Creative Minds Three Creativity Exercises from the Authors of Deep Creativity Grounded in Jungian psychology, Deep Creativity offers practical guidance for getting in touch with your own unconscious reservoir as well as engaging your everyday world to deepen the source of creative expression. Wherever one is on the creative [...]
  4. The Way of Art | Breathing In, Breathing Out

    The Way of Art | Breathing In, Breathing Out
    The Ekphrastic Response An Excerpt from Deep Creativity Excerpt by Jennifer Leigh Selig EKPHRASIS When I was preparing to teach a class to my Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life master’s degree students titled the Complex Nature of Inspiration, I came across a word I had never heard that perfectly described that week’s subject matter. [...]
  5. Free Download | Coloring Pages from Polynesian Tattoos

    Free Download | Coloring Pages from Polynesian Tattoos
    The Symbolic Beauty of Polynesian Tattooing Nga tama o Punga Click on the image above to save or print. Nga tama o Punga is the name of the last design in the book, and in the Maori language it means “the children of Punga.” It is inspired by the author’s personal tattoos. Punga was the [...]
  6. No Delight; No Courage

    No Delight; No Courage
    The excerpt below features a slogan from Michael Carroll's new book,  Fearless at Work: Timeless Teachings for Awakening Confidence, Resilience, and Creativity in the Face of Life's Demands.  Learn more about the book here.     "No Delight; No Courage" One of my favorite Taoist stories passed down through the centuries recounts the tale of [...]
  7. Writing from the Senses: Wherever Music Takes You

    Writing from the Senses: Wherever Music Takes You
    As I approached the Golden Gate Bridge on my way out of town, I cranked up Willie Nelson singing "On the Road Again." A song of freedom, here we go! By the time I was midway across the span, I was waltzing in the driver's seat to the dreamy sounds of "Georgia," symbolically telling the [...]
  8. Landscape as Spirit

    Landscape as Spirit
    Gardens can be so much more than merely pleasing to the eye; they can also evoke a contemplative state of mind, connecting us more fully to ourselves and to the world around us. In Landscape as Spirit, Martin Mosko explains his meditative approach to garden and landscape design and then walks us through five of [...]

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