1. Flux of Flowers: Notes on Love

    Flux of Flowers: Notes on Love
    Notes on Practice, Love, and Social Action Excerpt from The World Comes to You Love 1 By love, I don’t mean just between people—I mean a love for invention, architecture, neighborhoods, water, whales, soil, technology, farmers, etc. I’m talking about a love that doesn’t leave anything out. When we look deeply at the physical world, [...]
  2. Offering Realization | An Excerpt from The Supreme Siddhi of Mahamudra

    Offering Realization | An Excerpt from The Supreme Siddhi of Mahamudra
    We have excerpted the chapter “Offering Realization: In the Presence of Pagmo Drupa” from The Supreme Siddhi of Mahamudra: Teachings, Poems, and Songs of the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage here. The Drukpa Kagyu lineage is renowned among the traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism for producing some of the greatest yogis from across the Himalayas. After spending many years [...]

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