1. Illuminating the Mind to See One's Nature: The Root of Taoist Inner Practice

    Illuminating the Mind to See One's Nature: The Root of Taoist Inner Practice
    Illuminating the Mind to See One's Nature: The Root of Taoist Inner Practice An Excerpt from Taoist Inner Alchemy By Master Huang Yuanji & Ge Guolong Translate by Mattias Daly About This Excerpt Taoism and Buddhism, specifically Chan Buddhism, share many similar ideas including the concept and practice of inner cultivation, the nature of emptiness [...]
  2. Ch’an Meditation

    Ch’an Meditation
    Taoist Influences on Ch’an Meditation An Excerpt from China Root Ch’an practice was not simply about cultivating an abstract understanding of Taoist ontology/cosmology and the nature of consciousness; it was about actually living that understanding as a matter of immediate experience. And at the center of Ch’an practice was meditation. Indeed, Ch’an (禪), a transliteration [...]
  3. The True Flavor of Love

    The True Flavor of Love
    The Babylike Sweetness of Love An excerpt from Love Unveiled Let me see if I can give you some feel, some taste, some flavor of what love is like when it is active, manifesting, and we are feeling it. When we say “I love you” to somebody, what do we usually mean? Many of us [...]
  4. Flux of Flowers: Notes on Love

    Flux of Flowers: Notes on Love
    Notes on Practice, Love, and Social Action Excerpt from The World Comes to You Love 1 By love, I don’t mean just between people—I mean a love for invention, architecture, neighborhoods, water, whales, soil, technology, farmers, etc. I’m talking about a love that doesn’t leave anything out. When we look deeply at the physical world, [...]
  5. The Way of the Warrior

    The Way of the Warrior
    Essential Teachings An Excerpt from Budōshoshinshu Budōshoshinshu and Hagakure are the most influential treatises on samurai philosophy from the Edo period. The two books were written at about the same time and both address the warrior’s role in times of peace. While Hagakure was mostly a secret book of the Nabeshima clan until the twentieth [...]
  6. My Path | Jules Shuzen Harris' Journey to Zen Buddhism

    My Path | Jules Shuzen Harris' Journey to Zen Buddhism
    My Story of Becoming the First African-American Man to Receive Soto Zen Transmission An Excerpt from Zen beyond Mindfulness My Beginnings I was born in 1939 in Chester, Pennsylvania, an industrial town just outside of Philadelphia that was working class and extremely diverse. Based on this background, the path I ended up taking was exceedingly [...]
  7. Bhartrihari the Poet | An Excerpt from Some Unquenchable Desire

    Bhartrihari the Poet | An Excerpt from Some Unquenchable Desire
    Bhartrihari the Poet, Bhartrihari the Linguist Nalanda Everything known for certain about India’s poet Bhartrihari could be engraved on a grain of rice. He steps into the wavering historical record like a ghost out of the mist in 671 C.E., when the Chinese pilgrim I-Tsing (Yijing in the newer way of spelling) jotted down his [...]
  8. Tao Te Ching: A Reader’s Guide to the Great Taoist Classic

    Tao Te Ching: A Reader’s Guide to the Great Taoist Classic
  9. The Future of Religion: A Reader's Guide

    The Future of Religion: A Reader's Guide
  10. What Is Reality? | An Excerpt from Become What You Are

    What Is Reality? | An Excerpt from Become What You Are

Items 1 to 10 of 13 total

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