1. The Bodhicitta Effect

    The Bodhicitta Effect
    A Healing Power by Radhule Weininger, author of Heartwork A Surprising Discovery Recently, during a one-year mindfulness facilitator training, our team of teachers made a surprising discovery. As part of an exercise, students were taught how to guide each other through mindfulness and compassion meditations. Afterwards, students shared their experiences of how this had been [...]
  2. From Fire to Mud | A Journey Through the California Fires

    From Fire to Mud | A Journey Through the California Fires
    The Lotus of Mutual Belonging by Radhule Weininger, author of Heartwork “If the world is to be healed through human effort, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for life is even greater than their fear. People who can open to the web that called us into being.”—Joanna Macy The [...]
  3. Happy Birthday Pema Chödrön!

    Happy Birthday Pema Chödrön!
    We are proud to be Pema Chödrön’s publisher, and we want to give you the chance to wish her a happy 82nd birthday this July 14th. Leave a comment below with your birthday wishes. If you’d like to make a donation to the Pema Chödrön Foundation, you can do so here. PEMA CHÖDRÖN TITLES See All Books
  4. Bonus Recipes from Everyday Ayurveda Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind

    Bonus Recipes from Everyday Ayurveda Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind
    Four Recipes for You to Enjoy We are excited to share with you four bonus recipes developed by the creators of Everyday Ayurveda Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind, Kate O'Donnell and Cara Brostrom. Carrot & Green Bean Palya This versatile recipe can be used to prepare all sorts of fresh vegetables. The combination of [...]
  5. Embodied Freedom

    Embodied Freedom
    The Traditions of Passover by David Jaffe, author of Changing the World from the Inside Out The Passover prayer book, or Haggadah, that my family used when I was growing was in English, Hebrew, and transliteration of the Hebrew. The story told is that when I was nine years old, I cut out strips of [...]
  6. An Everyday Approach to the Ayurvedic Diet

    An Everyday Approach to the Ayurvedic Diet
    Practical Aspects for Success by Kate O'Donnell, author of Everyday Ayurveda Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind & The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook Natural, Seasonal, and Dosha-Specific Diet Helping clients understand the medicinal aspects of food is one thing, while inspiring them to purchase, prepare, and enjoy beneficial foods can be another challenge altogether. Based on personal [...]
  7. Thomas Merton, “Honorary Beatnik”

    Thomas Merton, “Honorary Beatnik”
    Thomas Merton's Influence on the Beats by Robert Inchausti, author of Hard to Be a Saint in the City Thomas Merton, “Honorary Beatnik” It’s hard to say exactly when Thomas Merton became an “Honorary Beatnik.” One could chase the association all the way back to the mid-thirties when, as an undergraduate at Columbia, he first became friends [...]
  8. Sacred Are the Trees

    Sacred Are the Trees
    Sacred Are the Trees: A Retelling of Ancient Stories from Biographies of the Buddha by Wendy Garling, author of Stars at Dawn Why Trees? Those familiar with the Buddha’s biography know that all major events in his life took place under trees. He was born under a shala tree (shorea robusta), for example, as his [...]
  9. The Boy without a Name or The Boy Who Lives by Himself | An Unfinished Story by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

    The Boy without a Name or The Boy Who Lives by Himself | An Unfinished Story by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
    The Boy without a Name or The Boy Who Lives by Himself is an unfinished story written by Chögyam Trungpa at an unknown date. We would like to invite you to read what Chögyam Trungpa wrote and write your own ending to the story. You can post your writing in the comments below. I am the boy who [...]
  10. Meditation on the Third Eye

    Meditation on the Third Eye
    by Tias Little, author of Yoga of the Subtle Body Meditation on the third-eye center is one of the most classic of all techniques in subtle body training. I have been revisiting the potency of this practice and wanted to share a few thoughts. The bridge of the nose is called the Nasya Mula, or [...]

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