1. Buddhist Mindfulness: A Guide for Readers

    Buddhist Mindfulness: A Guide for Readers
    Buddhist Mindfulness: A Guide for Readers Buddha Statue at Mahabodhi (Bodh Gaya, India) Today the term "mindfulness" has become a buzzword heard everywhere from elementary schools to corporate offices to the military. Generally speaking, when we use the term in secular life, we're referring to the ability to purposefully place our attention on our present [...]
  2. Being Mindful of Body, Thoughts, and Feelings | Heart Medicine

    Being Mindful of Body, Thoughts, and Feelings | Heart Medicine
    3 Guided Mindfulness Meditations An Excerpt from Heart Medicine by Radhule Weininger As we encounter difficulties, mindfulness is crucial: it allows us to be present, here and now, with nonjudgmental, moment-by-moment attention. Penetrating a LRPP [Long-standing, Recurrent, Painful Pattern] with mindfulness dissolves the LRPP’s power source and creates opportunity for profound change. The energy that has [...]
  3. The Art Of Listening: Chanting and Meditation

    The Art Of Listening: Chanting and Meditation
    Shambhala Publications · The Art Of Listening: Chanting and Meditation Listening to Buddhists suttas and chants is considered a form of meditation practice called bhāvanā (translated as: practice, making to become) and it helps to cultivate the qualities we need for meditation and the path. In this audio recording, Dr. Sarah Shaw introduces two sections [...]
  4. Practices of Direct Pointing

    Practices of Direct Pointing
    Spreading Out the Vision An Excerpt from Hidden Zen Gazing at Distant Mountains The first practice we will examine is a bodily method of direct pointing. Specifically, it uses the eyes and vision to change our way of experiencing. In Zen training, and particularly during zazen, the eyes are used in a specific manner that [...]
  5. The Power of Meditation beyond Mindfulness

    The Power of Meditation beyond Mindfulness
    Meditation and Yoga An excerpt from The Genius of Yoga Yogis know what studies are showing: meditation is a remarkable tool for bringing mental health and physical well-being and healing. They know this through millennia of experience working with meditation and observing the results, like teachers who watch students learn and grow in music, language, and [...]
  6. Free Guided Audio Meditation from Ralph De La Rosa

    Free Guided Audio Meditation from Ralph De La Rosa
    Creating Boundaries from the Inside Out A 20-Minute Guided Audio Meditation with Ralph De La Rosa, author of Don't Tell Me to Relax ENTER YOUR EMAIL TO RECEIVE A 20-MINUTE GUIDED AUDIO MEDITATION.   We all have moments when we wish we could say “Hell no!” but don’t, or situations where we choose to tolerate [...]
  7. Anam Thubten on Meditation: The Art of Resting

    Anam Thubten on Meditation: The Art of Resting
    What follows is the entire chapter on meditation from Anam Thubten's No Self, No Problem It is very good to ask from time to time, “What am I searching for?” This is a very powerful question. We may be surprised and shocked when we figure out what we have been up to. Often we discover [...]
  8. Free Download | Guided Meditations with Devon & Craig Hase

    Free Download | Guided Meditations with Devon & Craig Hase
    How Not to Be a Hot Mess A Survival Guide for Modern Life ENTER YOUR EMAIL TO RECEIVE THREE GUIDED VIDEO MEDITATIONS TO YOUR INBOX. Authors of How Not to Be a Hot Mess, Craig and Devon Hase, offer a series of meditations that are short, introductory practices you can do anytime and anywhere to [...]
  9. A Meditation for Daily Life

    A Meditation for Daily Life
    Relax An Excerpt from Relax and Be Aware Relax and be aware. Many meditators think that being aware means focusing on an object with a great deal of energy. In fact, exertion like this causes tension because it’s the result of trying hard to create a positive or happy state of mind, which actually is [...]
  10. Paths and the Utilization of Bliss

    Paths and the Utilization of Bliss
    Harmonies with Enlightenment An excerpt from Our Human Potential Thirty-Seven Harmonies with Enlightenment Four establishments in mindfulness The thirty-seven harmonies with enlightenment are essential ingredients of the path. They are divided into seven sets, the first of which is comprised of the four establishments in mindfulness. These are the establishments in mindfulness of body, feeling, [...]

Items 1 to 10 of 29 total
